Thursday, 20 August 2020

My lock down drawing of a coral reef

 Kia Ora blogger's. This is Persaies writing another blog post i am sorry i have not been posting a lot but i hope you enjoy this blog post. This post is what we have to do as a class in lock down and i decided to draw my coral reef on a peice of paper. Here is a question for you to answer in the comments have you ever done something like this before in your home learning. I hope you enjoy and like my picture i drew.

Stay safe and be kind during this time of staying at home. Have a good week Blog Ya Later.


  1. What a great picture, did it take you long?
    Sarah (Floyd's mum)

    1. Kia Ora Sarah, This is Persaies. Thank you for the thoughtful comment. It did take long it took about 3 minutes to do because i had to color it in and put in other coral reef fish and sponges and seaweed. I hope you have a great day stay safe and stay kind!😁

  2. Hi Persaies. Looking at this picture makes me feel very relaxed and calm. It reminds me of that VR session we had at school before lockdown.

  3. Morena, Persaies

    Your picture reminds me of the coral reefs I saw whilst diving in Thailand. They were so pretty and colourful. My favourite things to see were the Christmas Tree Worms. If you get a chance Google them.


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